Our Building

Our Building

Built in 1888, the Triangle was a bar & restaurant for its first hundred years. Scott and some partners bought the building in 1991 and converted it into professional offices.

During our first season here, myriad clients came in with eyes wide and minds in the past as they recalled youthful times (mis)spent at the Triangle Bar. Undoubtedly, they were recalling the heyday of music on the West Bank in the 60s and 70s. The book West Bank Boogie recounts some of that history and features a picture of the Triangle on the cover.
Starting in January 2021, Lottsa is occupying both floors of the building. We welcome clients to meet with us in the accessible first floor spaces.

Our building actually occupies an entire city block (albeit a small one). In fact, it’s the smallest block in the city of Minneapolis with running water!

Our Building